World Green Building Week 2016
27 September 2016
Talks & Events
Why bother with BREEAM?
Do bespoke environmental strategies deliver greener buildings?
What advantages or disadvantages does a bespoke approach offer compared to standardised environmental assessment methods such as BREEAM or LEED?
Does a bespoke approach foster better client engagement and provide scope for more innovative and relevant outcomes, or are they simply too costly for the majority of projects?
Nicholas Hare Architects are again hosting an evening of presentations and debate during the 2016 World Green Building Week, the flagship event of the global green building movement - organised by the World Green Building Council and led by its network of 74 Green Building Councils and their 27,000 member companies.
A number of case study projects will be discussed, including the recently completed David Attenborough Building for the University of Cambridge.
Please email us for a place.