Green Sky Thinking Week at NHA
16 April 2013
Talks & Events
Concern for the environment is central to Nicholas Hare Architects' work and has been for many years. During our annual autumn debates, we welcome the opportunity to engage with others keen to increase awareness and to make a difference. NHA are participating in this year's Open City's Green Sky Thinking Week to provide a valuable forum for extending the debate about these important matters.
Are you sitting comfortably?
Avoiding discomfort can be effected in many ways. The adjustments necessary to control an individual's environment are not necessarily technical or complex, but can have the apparent effect of expanding the conventional comfort zone. This area is not well appreciated, but with good design can significantly reduce energy demand and costs. The discussion aims to explore further how adaptive opportunity can make a positive contribution to a building occupant's overall satisfaction and well-being.
Speakers will include:
Fergus Nichol from London Metropolitan/ Oxford Brookes University, Ruth Rettie from Kingston University & Shaun Fitzgerald from Breathing Buildings
Limited places, email events at nicholashare.co.uk to reserve.
Read about the event here.